The 6th stakeholder group meeting was held on September the 9th in Central Finland. A Project Core Stakeholders Group meeting took place, where Tuula Salminen introduced Boosting tourism through bioeconomy project in Äänekoski .

Äänekoski municipality in cooperation with local entrepreneurs carry out a tourism project that defines the vision and the strategical goal for tourism in Äänekoski. The project pays attention to development of sales and marketing, internationalisation and digitality. The project organises workshops, networking events, pop up-events and -products together with different organisers. Visit Äänekoski webpages are under construction.  

Later on, Raija Partanen, development manager, Regional Council of Central Finland and Lea Goyal, Specialist for Education, told about the Study Visit to Basque Country ,  focusing on the BEAZ, EHMBE and Basque Culinary Centre presentations.

After this,  the basic idea of the Action Plan was introduced and discussion about the potential development themes for the Action Plan was carried out. Some preliminary ideas have risen via study visits: 1) Branding the food – from food to gastronomy and/or Branding the profession, and 2) industrial/culture tourism - Äänekoski area could be one of the targets due to bioproduct mill.

To finnish the meeting, the Study Visit to Wallonia 1.-2.11.18 was presented and the stakeholders taking part in it were also presented.