On 29th January 2020, had been held in Vratsa the first meeting with the local stakeholders, within premises of Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa, Bulgaria.
In this first meeting the representatives of the following categories were presented:
Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
Enterprise Europe Network;
Agency for regional and economic development Vratsa;
District Administration Vratsa;
Europe Direct Vratsa;
Social enterprises.
During the meeting had been presented the case studies related to social dialogue, which had been preliminary selected and sent to all stakeholders via e-mails.
The proposed case studies were 10. The sectors were as following: projects in social sphere, networks which combines citizens and different institutions, social entrepreneurs, platforms for active social dialogue.
During meeting these 10 case studies had been evaluated and were selected 2 of them. During next activities stakeholders could propose additional appropriate case studies which after evaluation could be selected for the peer review visits during the second and third semester.