On June 1st Acreo presented ERUDITE and SEROI+ methodology at a Swedish national conference on digitalization for the public sector, called “Offentliga Rummet” with more than 800 attendees.
As we know digital development is crucial to society. Many municipalities, regions and other actors have ambitious digitization strategies, e-services and / or broadband targets. The research institute Acreo - partner of ERUDITE project - has carried out several studies on the socio-economic impact of broadband and e-services on behalf of various actors, giving examples of how these analyzes can be carried out.
In order to better understand, quantify and follow up the benefits and the effects of the above initiatives, you can analyze this by means of different methods. There may be effects that, for example, are monetary, social or affect our environment. One of the methods used by the ERUDITE project is the so-called SEROI+ method, Social and Economic Return On Investment, which is an internationally accepted method of analyzing and quantifying the effects of different efforts.
Link (Swedish only): http://www.offentligarummet.se/program/seminarier/seminariepass7/b7kanmanmatadensamhallsekonomiskabetydelsenavdigitalisering.2745.html
Video: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkYU42J33qO1GhQaPhkK_rw