After a long period marked by online meetings and study visits, the EURE project partners finally physically traveled and got together for the project’s latest set of events on 24 and 25 November. The Atlantic Axis of Peninsular Northwest, Lead Partner of the project, hosted them in Lugo, Spain. Two very busy days were in view them since it included the 7th Thematic Seminar entitled “EURE – Urban policy of Spain and Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategy”, Study Visits, a Steering Committee Meeting, a Meeting of the Pool of Experts and Joint Meeting.

Lugo is among one of the most active cities in Galicia when it comes to European projects and thus having a great national and international impact such as the “Muramiñae-da Muralla ao Miño” project. Lugo and other cities in Galicia implementing projects under an Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategy (EDUSI in Spanish), like A Coruña and Pontevedra, shared their good practices in terms of sustainable urban development with the EURE partners.

Participants also exchanged on how to improve the management of European funds and their financing instruments for the period 2021-2027. Conclusions of the event should be presented to both the Spanish Government and the European Commission.

Read more in the press release.

Presentations of the Thematic Seminar


24 November 2021

09:30 - 13:00
Thematic Seminar: EURE – Urban policy of Spain and Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategy
15:00 - 18:00

Study visits:

  • Impulso Verde building in Lugo
  • Social Services building in Lugo
  • River area of Lugo, including: Caldas, Muralla Rehabilita, Calzada da Ponte, Paso soterrado, Co-living, Paso peonil intlixente, Camno primitivo, Cloaca e catas arqueoloxicas, Pr. de San froilán
Tour of the old town

25 November 2021 (in Pontevedra)

Welcome by Anabel Gulías, Alcalde responsible for the EDUSI and Demetrio Gómez, concelleiro for Urban Works and Transport

Study visit to several EDUSI projects:

  • Improvement of the Camiño do Gorgullón
  • Refurbishment of the first floor of the Mercado de Abastos (food market)
  • Reform of the Ponte do Burgo bridge
15:00 - 17:00

Parallel meetings


8th steering CommitteeExpert meeting


17:00 - 18:00

Joint meeting

Photo: Rosa Cabecinhas & Alcino Cunha (Rosino)