Policy change exhibition

In the exhibition, project partners will tell you more about their achievements and showcase the difference they are making in regions around Europe. 

In the four thematic zones, you can meet representatives of the following projects: 

Research & innovation

Research and innovation

P-IRIS has found that triple helix (3H) or quadruple helix (4H) cooperation is important to boost innovation in rural areas. They want to increase the number of SMEs in innovative networks and the number of innovation projects, and improve the skills of public authorities in 3H and 4H networks.


Beyond EDP is stimulating European businesses, knowledge institutes, and relevant partners to join forces to discover new ideas which could lead to innovation.




S34Growth is pioneering a new approach to European industry-led interregional cooperation, which links value chains across Europe and improves commercialisation and product and service development.


ClusterFY is intensifying Key Enabling Technologies clusterization processes, fostering cooperation between clusters and business networks and encouraging their integration into innovative value chains.
Islands of Innovation is turning islands into innovation "test-beds": places that attract young, innovative and entrepreneurial people and activities.



SME competitiveness

SME competitiveness

ESSPO is improving the efficiency of SME support policies and developing comprehensive support portfolios which identify synergies between different services and target relevant segments of the SME population. 
RaiSE is working to make social enterprises more competitive.
SOCIAL SEEDS is working on a policy diagnostic tool to make local and regional policy-makers more effective in stimulating growth and employment in social enterprises.
iEER defines smart paths and solutions to boost regional entrepreneurship ecosystems supporting young entrepreneurs.




Low-carbon economy

Low-carbon economy

CISMOB promotes innovative ways to reduce carbon footprint and increase the sustainability of urban areas by improving urban transport infrastructures. 
FINERPOL supports energy renovation of buildings promoting the use of new financing mechanisms.
OptiTrans is improving public transport policies to reduce carbon emissions.
LOCARBO is improving policy instruments that make use of renewables in buildings and increase energy efficiency, are in high demand, and support a change in the behaviour of consumers.
REGIO-MOB is promoting sustainable mobility in Europe by influencing the relevant policy instruments in each partner territory, promoting intermodality, technical innovation and the use of cleaner and more efficient mobility systems.



BIOREGIO boosts bio-based circular economy through transfer of expertise about best available technologies and cooperation models.
CircE is steering the European economy toward a circular model.
RETRACE promotes a systemic design method to allow local and regional policies to move toward a circular economy preventing the release of waster into the environment.
CESME assist SMEs to enter the circular economy.
IMPACT promotes productive activities in protected areas without compromising biodiversity conservation in them.




Research and innovation SME competitiveness Low-carbon economy Environment and resource efficiency