The second phase of the project, which will last until its completion in November 2022, is the time to implement the action plans prepared by each region. The Regional Action Plan for the Lodzkie Region has defined two key actions. Each of them covers different fields, but has the same goal of increasing the economic and social impact of activities related to the valorisation of cultural heritage by promoting its development within new business models, involving partnerships of various entities and seeking new forms of investment financing.
The first action was the incorporation of international solutions presented in the FINCH project into the Policy instrument entitled “Regional Programme for the Protection of Historical Monuments in the Lodzkie Region for the years 2020-2023”. This action has already been done. The "Regional Programme" has been planned for implementation with the use of many sources of financing, both public and private, including national resources, local government units, European Union structural funds (international, national, regional programs). As part of this action, it was planned to disseminate knowledge and inspire public and private entities in the region to use new organizational and financial solutions, modeled on the experiences of the FINCH project partners.
The second action in RAP is the preparation, development and implementation of an internet platform for the promotion of regional cultural heritage and methods of its funding. The platform will include examples of the valorisation of cultural heritage, guidelines on access to various sources of funding in the region, as well as new emerging opportunities for financing this heritage. This action is currently underway. Finally, a single online platform for the cultural heritage of the region is planned be created, which will be a tool for:
- sharing information and acquiring knowledge as well as building a database on the current opportunities and needs for valorisation of cultural heritage in the region
- transferring knowledge from the process of exchanging experiences within the FINCH project as a source of inspiration for undertaking similar activities by entities from the region
- presenting the existing possibilities of financing heritage at the regional and national level
- showing historic buildings co-financed by a subsidy from the budget of the Lodzkie Region