On 28th of May 2019, RDA SW Oltenia, as FINCH project partner, attended the event organised by the National Heritage Institute in Romania, within the framework of INNOCASTLE project- INNOvating policy instruments for preservation, transformation and exploitation of heritage CASTLEs, manors and gardens, financed under Interreg Europe Programme.
A representative of RDA SW Oltenia presented FINCH project, with focus on the implementation of financial instruments targeted at private actors and public private partnership within the same funding instrument. These two projects, FINCH and INNOCASTLE, address the same policy instrument, Regional Operational Program (ROP) 2014-2020, Investment Priority 5.1 of the ROP which refers to the “preservation, protection, promotion and development of the cultural heritage and identity”, with the objectives to stimulate the local economy by improving the overall condition of heritage sites in Romania.
The event was attended by over 40 participants, representatives of the Ministry of Culture and National Identity, patrimony protection specialists, as well as representatives of civil society.
The meeting was a great opportunity to discuss how to improve national and regional policies affecting cultural heritage.