Following the latest Italian Stakeholders Regional meeting hosted at Regione Piemonte headquarter, the former group of Piedmont territory is now counting a new institution: FITZCARRALDO is an independent private foundation focusing on groundbreaking approaches in research, consulting, training, and documentation on cultural, arts and media management, economics and policies. About themselves they say: "We serve and inspire all those who create, practice, produce, participate, promote and support the arts and culture."
Fitzcarraldo is engaged in:
- ensuring the impact of cultural and artistic development on many public policies and that it can serve to build an invaluable bridge in complex inter-sectorial policies
- stimulating, helping and flanking cultural and artistic organizations in innovation processes which pursue goals of social, cultural and economic importance
- promoting networking activities and generating awareness of issues pertinent to polices, processes, products and projects of an artistic and cultural nature in the contemporary context
- collecting and making accessible research, knowledge and awareness, perceived as a heritage to be available to civil society.
Additionally, Fitzcarraldo is an active member of the following European Networks:
- ECBN- European Creative Business Network
- CAE - Culture Action Europe
- ENCATC - the European network on cultural management and policy, Audience Europe Network.