PLP Good Practice submitted by Romanian partner Rehabilitation of the Iron Gates Region Museum Complex and its valorisation as a tourist product has been positively reviewed by IE Policy Learning Platform Expert!!
Iron Gates Region Museum was presented to FINCH partnership in February 2019 at the project’s second International Workshop Meeting at Drobeta Turnu Severin, South West Oltenia Region, Romania.
This Good Practice was reviewed, accepted and published in the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform good practice database on 22 March 2020 with the following expert evaluation:
This is a positive example of renovation of a museum complex which led to better preservation and valorization of the cultural heritage assets displayed in the complex. An important feature of the practice is the cooperation between public authorities at county and city level. The success of the intervention is demonstrated by the increased number of tourists, as well as the new jobs that were created. This EU-funded project can provide helpful insight to other public authorities motivated to conserve and valorize their cultural heritage assets.
Policymakers around Europe are now able to consult the Good Practice online and get inspiration for their regional heritage developing work!