FINCH Project has been included in the recent post published on Policy Learning Platform web pages entitled "Safeguarding cultural heritage from the effects of natural disasters" (full article here) and is proud to cooperate in making regional and local policies more efficient in safeguarding cultural heritage and to share knowledge with other European Regions and cities.

SPOILER ALERT!: in this interesting and actual above-mentioned article, Policy Learning Platform also includes an information about an ongoing proposal involving FINCH and two of its Kindered Projects as follow-up of FINCH previous commitment into "Sustainable cultural tourism as an opportunity for local development" on line discussion (see details here)

The Policy Learning Platform is the second action of the Interreg Europe programme, established to boost EU-wide policy learning and capitalisation on practices from regional development policies. The platform is a space for continuous learning where the policymaking community in Europe can tap into the knowhow of experts and peers.

To learn more on Policy Learning Platform work and supporting activities enjoy the video below and do not miss to visit their web pages:

Photo credit: don lawrence photography, LLC.