The purpose of the second stakeholder meeting in Latvia was to raise stakeholders’ awareness and deepen their knowledge of the GPP processes and actions. The real and actual examples and good practices of the GPP implementation were introduced to the stakeholders, in addition, the following topics were introduced for the deeper understanding of the subject:
•    Introduction of the project activities’ gathered data and its analysis;
•    Introduction of the existing eco-labels;
•    Eco-labels’ scheme involvement in the GPP implementation;
•    Private sector’s opinion and vision of the national GPP processes;
•    The GPP implementation barriers and enablers in the region.
During the first workshop, it was identified that for the procurement specialists it is unclear how to ensure the verification of the ecolabels and/or standards if the tenderer does not have the standard but want to prove it by other means (equivalent). Therefore in this workshop special attention was paid to discuss Ecolabels and their use during the GPP process (presented by Jānis Brizga, SmartGreen, Ltd).

Additionally, during the workshop participants discussed the results from the project survey on the main challenges and possibility of the GPP in the Zemgale planning region (presented by Arturs Pečura, the ZPR project manager). Survey results demonstrate that people generally are informed about GPP; most popular product categories are food and IT equipment; the main obstacle for GPP are high costs of GPP, complicated technical specifications (GPP criteria), lack of information on the market possibilities; to support GPP people need technical training, experience exchange and exampled of technical specifications. Good practice guidebook was also presented together with two best practice examples from Latvia:
1.    The street lighting renovation project in the Preiļi city;
2.    Energy efficiency improvement measures (renovation) in apartments building on Klaipeda street 88, Liepaja.
Two practical examples where also presented and discussed. First one was on the GPP in Iecava municipality (presented by Evija Poļakova from Iecava municipality). The second one was from the private sector, looking at the GPP practice in the food and catering procurements (presented by Guna Poļakova, Sanitex, Ltd).
One additional topic discussed was about where to draw the line – which product and service are according to the GPP and which is not? This is especially important for the product groups not included in the Cabinet regulation