The meeting began right after the interregional workshop on eco-labels and non-exclusive GPP practices. The interregional workshop finished in 15:30 and the stakeholder meeting began in 16:00 with the stakeholders from Bulgaria. During the meeting Venelin Dobrev from SZREDA gave presentation about the GPP4Growth project, the problems that the project addresses, the aims to solve them and what is done so far. The team of SZREDA answered all the questions that were asked during the meeting and all of the stakeholders participated ensured their support regarding further questions and issues regarding the project and the project activities.
Potential policy recommendations were divided in 4 different categories based on their approach to the public administration and the business:
• Policy recommendations that will lead to mandatory changes in legislation
• Policy recommendations that will adres the need for more information regarding green public procurement both for the public administration and the business.
• Policy recommendations that will be voluntary for the administration.
• Policy recommendations that address the issue with the administrative capacity both in business and puclic administration that affects the participation in green tenders.
Each topic will be further developed in future meetings.
All stakeholders confirmed their readiness for attending the upcoming stakeholder meetings in the next semesters.