The 8th Stakeholders meeting from the Regione Molise took place at the Conference Room « Louis Pasteur » at Molise University premises in Campobasso on March 26th, 2018 and it was organized in cooperation of the University of Molise.

The Meeting was the last of 8 meetings foreseen by the project at local level (previous one were held in Campobasso in 2016, in Isernia, Riccia, San Pietro Avellana, Guardiaregia in 2017 and in Casacalenda and Roccamandolfi in 2018) and all  gave the opportunity to draw a balance of what has been done and the results achieved.

It was emphasized the success of the formula used for the carrying out of the meetings, which were held in different locations in Molise Region with the collaboration of the relevant stakeholders as regards protection and enhancement of natural resources.

It was also an occasion for thanking all the representatives of associations and organizations that took part in the working group meetings, in stakeholder meetings and in international meetings and study visits, appreciating their capabilities and improved skills to transform ideas coming from the events in activities to be proposed for the Action Plan.

Full minutes of the meeting here.