The partners in Innocastle participated in the first project meeting on 27-28 June 2018 in Arnhem, the Netherlands. The main aim of the meeting was to start working on the methodology of the interregional study and to set up the first phases of the project

The Province of Gelderland, the organising partner for this meeting, also included in the programme a short visit to the landscape park Zypendaal. 

Jeanine Perryck from Geldersch Landschap & Kasteelen offered the group a tour of House Zypendaal, an elegant house from the 18th century. The importance of the families who inhabited the house was strongly underlined in the storyline of the house and the surrounding area.

Afterwards, Elyze Storms-Smeets from Gelders Genootschap gave a tour of the impressive landscape park surrounding House Zypendaal. The local government decided to buy the land in the 20th century and maintain it as a recreational area, as a way to increase the attractiveness of their city. 

Elyze posed an important question for the future of heritage: do we want to preserve it exactly how it is right now or should we allow it to evolve with each generation, but in a very respectful and thoughtful way that does not essentially change the qualities of the place?

These topics will be further explored in depth the in the coming years through Innocastle. The next official Innocastle meeting will take place in the first week of October in Romania. If you would like to register, you can already sign up via this link.