Challenges in the region
The learning cases in Flanders, Belgium focus on the region of the Landscape Park Bulskampveld, which is developed through a formalized partnership between different local and regional organizations as well as higher governments and stakeholders. Working on different levels of cases in this region is useful to both understand the regional impact of the projects and to find detailed information on the management of specific estates.
By selecting four different learning cases and a combination of analysis of private, public and network cases, the Innocastle partner University College Ghent (UCG) hopes to obtain a deeper insight into the region.
A detailed description of all the learning cases is available here.
Action plan
Through the work on the different learning cases, UCG aims to showcase the opportunities offered when these rural estates are approached on a regional level to all the stakeholders in the region. By increasing knowledge, support and inspiration from different stakeholders, study visits and student work, UCG is working towards a broader understanding of the regional level. The action plan will hopefully take this a step further by making the shift from exploring ideas to realizing certain regional cooperations.
Learning cases in short
Landscape Park Bulskampveld – Cooperation with key stakeholders
In Landscape Park Bulskampveld, cooperation between different owners in the area and the province should be developed through organizing meetings, projects and site visits. Trigger and support owners to get involved.
Lippensgoed domain – Provincial domain is used for recreation, education and nature development
At Lippensgoed domain, the estate's function as a gateway for the region is valuable but the potential of a connection and interaction with other estates in the region is not yet activated.
Wildenburg estate – Value and future of a family-owned estate
At Wildenburg estate, understanding the value of this domain and the importance of the spatial implementation plan can provide valuable lessons about the future of similar estates in Flanders. Decisions on the development regulations to ensure it’s future will be investigated and it will be vital to understand how different stakeholders perceive these regulations. Alternative development possibilities are explored through the organisation of living labs.
Gruuthuyse estate – Understanding a unique family-owned estate and its redevelopment
At Gruuthuyse estate, the geographical position of Gruuthuyse in relation to the municipality and its current redevelopment quest show common challenges for estates in Flanders. A better understanding of both will provide valuable information on the Flemish level and how the target instrument, Flemish Decree of Immovable Heritage, can influence this process.