The engagement of startups in the innovation process and how their role as regional and industry innovation providers could be improved was at the heart of the discussion during an interregional meeting hosted by Malta Enterprise for its partners in the Innova Foster project on 26 to 28th June.

Innova Foster is an Interreg project which amongst others is seeking to strengthen the productivity of enterprises, as well as boost research and innovation. An important part of the project is to map out and understand the local start-up and innovation ecosystem to identify strengths and weaknesses at national level and subsequently address such weaknesses by improving local policies and programmes to foster high-potential start-ups.

Six EU partners took part in the meeting, during which various presentations and case studies on supporting clusters were delivered by various stakeholders. The meeting was also addressed by Dr Anna Sobczak, Policy Officer, DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SME, who delivered a presentation on cluster policy in emerging industries from an EU policy perspective.