The Interreg Europe Intensify project management group will hold their 4th project review meeting in Trnava Slovakia on Thursday the 16th January 2020. Mesto Trnava (the Municipality of Trnava) are very active partners in the Project. Erika Balazova the project co-ordinator in Trnava has stated that the Mayor of Trnava will give a very warm welcome to the visiting partners. The Mayor will be represented by the Deputy Mayor Eva Nemčovská. The project are lead by Eroka Balazova from the Municipality. Gabriel Bajuzik of Investment department of Trnava region, Alexandra Alfoldiova, PhD student FMK UCM Trnava and Mr. Matus Skvarka are active member of Trnava local stakeholder´s group

The meeting will focus on a number of important topics deemed critical to the success of the project. These include the communication and dissemination of information in order to reach out to citizens and increase awareness of the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The exchange of experiences currently underway in the form of study visits will also be discussed.

The Project has a requirement to compile a list of good practices in each partner region that can be used to help other Interreg Europe members to identify ways in which they can increase awareness in their communities. 

An important outcome from the project will be the ability to influence the Regional Action Plan (RAP) in each partners region. Work on this will commence at the meeting. To this end a capacity building workshop will form part of the meeting.

All project partners will attend the meeting.