Based on the Exchange of Experiences within INTRA project the Project Partner Fundecyt-Pctex in cooperation with Regional stakeholder group validated the Action plan, focusing on e-commerce tailored to the needs of regional SMEs.

In the first months of Action plan implementation, a series of 9 webinars were organised by EXTREMADURA AVANTE in which 207 SMEs participated. The webinars were focused on reaching international markets and customers on the Internet, promotion of products and services online to achieve higher sales volume in international markets. The companies got familiar with online tools that boost exports, as well as the crucial role the social media can play in achieving the international market sales: in the forefront, were LinkedIn, Youtube and their success stories. The experts enhanced the participants' perception for storytelling, identification of influences to export their products and services as well as with inbound marketing.

Experts support on e-commerce was evaluated by participants with very high ranks, achieving 8,91 points (out of 10) as the average satisfaction response with the expertise provided.