FUNDECYT-PCTEX, the partner of the INTRA project, is implementing support measures for more than 120 companies and 1,200 workers of the technology enterprises housed in the Science and Technology Park of Extremadura, reinforcing its team of advisors and connecting Extremadura's technology enterprises with the support instruments set up at regional, national and European level in order to tackle the COVID-19.

Due to the current situation caused by the expansion of the COVID-19, FUNDECYT-PCTEx has implemented a set of exceptional support measures for companies housed in its infrastructures, including a 50% discount on invoicing for advanced services and rental housing. This measure also takes into account the particular situation of each SME, offering the possibility of a moratorium on payment for services and housing to those who request it.  

Furthermore, FUNDECYT-PCTEX offers advisory services to the companies in the region on how to take advantage of all support instruments set up from R&D&I at regional, national and European level, all through on-line tools. 


FUNDECYT-PCTEX also informs and advises companies on the decrees approved by the Regional Government, in line with the strategic European initiatives developed for the creation of an area for innovation as a favourable model for regional socio-economic growth. 

Same happens with the new line of microcredits to cover the need of working capital generated by the Covid-19. These loans, without additional guarantees and for an amount up to 25.000 Euros have been launched by the public entity EXTREMADURA AVANTE. 

Also, EXTREMADURA AVANTE offers to the companies in the region advice and connection with all the lines launched at the national level, such as the ICO Tourism Sector and related activities Covid-19/Thomas Cook, the Direct Expansion Line (LIC A) of the CDTI, or the ENISA lines with extraordinary measures to support SMEs and entrepreneur’s maintenance, among many others. 

Moreover, refinancing of loans, additional services, promotion of e-commerce, mortgage moratoriums, support to basic supplies, flexibility for self-employed workers and companies in the payment of electricity, water, gas or social bonds, among many other taxes, labour or technological measures, are other lines of action implemented in order to support the business network in Extremadura. 

Prepared by: Lucila Castro Rovillard, Fundecyt-PCTEX