On 16 July 2021 from 10.30 a.m. to 12 p.m. the Levi Cases Centre of the University of Padua organised an online event to present the "World Energy Transition Outlook - 1.5° C pathway", prepared by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). This document, published on 30 June, is the global reference for all actors involved in the field of energy transition to renewables, and energy and climate policies.
The main points of the document will be presented by IRENA's Director General Dr. Francesco La Camera and his staff in a webinar comprising four short presentations and a discussion session.
The event, which will be held in English, is aimed at all researchers from Italian universities and research institutions who deal in various capacities with issues related to the energy transition, with a view to encouraging the development of transversal and multidisciplinary scientific collaborations on the subject.
Participation in the webinar, on the Zoom platform, is free of charge.
Zoom link: https://unipd.zoom.us/j/87681495535