151 contestants from 21 high schools in Iasi, and dozens of students, university professors, and pre-university professors participated and contributed in the first edition of the interdisciplinary county contest: “What do you know about water?”
The ACVO Association and the Department of Environmental Engineering and Management – “Cristofor Simionescu” Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi were the organizers of the contest. The action marks the celebration of the World Water Day, 22 March, To bring public attention to the need for quantitive and qualitative water protection and highlight the role, duties, and responsibilities of those with power in the maintenance, capitalization, and protection of resources of water.
The winners' award took place in a workshop called "Water, a vital resource for sustainable development", in the presence of academics, the private environment - ApaVital and the ACVO Association.
The ACVO Association was established by ApaVital at the beginning of 2018 to give life to social responsibility and community involvement projects.
The parties involved in organizing and conducting the competition are part of the regional consultative group of the iWATERMAP project.