* - All the research centers involved in the development of the water sector know each other and collaborate according to their lines of work to achieve a sustainable economy in the Region of Murcia.
* - The critical mass of the water sector in the Region of Murcia is working on the development of more sustainable technologies for the Treatment of Wastewater treatment, Reuse of Purified Water and Optimization of the use of water resources.
* - The Sanitation and Purification Entity of the Region of Murcia supports the development of new sustainable technologies, such as the treatment of anaerobic purification due to its numerous advantages, together with the awareness of society because its main problem is the quality of wastewater they manage. ESAMUR participates in research and demonstration projects, in addition to organizing the Technical Conference on sanitation and purification that show the progress of the sector.
* - The CIFEA training center in Molina de Segura supports awareness of efficient water use in homes and participates in both regional and European projects. Stresses the need for political actions that change the habits of domestic water use.
* - The University of Murcia has a Water Technology Group with experience in wastewater treatment projects. In addition, it supports the study of the Water Footprint in companies and its use as an Indicator for process optimization. The University of Murcia has the Emuasa-UM Chair of Water and Sustainability, which was created with the objective of creating a space dedicated entirely to research, training and dissemination in the field of integrated water resources management and sustainability environmental from a multidisciplinary perspective, essential to face an adequate study of the challenges and difficulties that integrated water management poses today.
* - UCAM supports the removal of emerging pollutants from purified water and currently coordinates the LIFE Clean Up project.
* - CEBAS-CSIC supports the development of new technologies that optimize wastewater treatment for subsequent use and irrigation for efficient use of resources.
* - CEBAS-CSIC participates in the strategic project REUSAGUA-RIS3, “Integrated Management of the regeneration and efficient and safe reuse of urban wastewater in agriculture”, promoted by the Administration of the Region of Murcia and coordinated by IMIDA. This is a project funded through the European Regional Development Fund, which can be considered a Good Practice of the Region of Murcia.
* - The CTC develops regional, national and international projects with innovative capacity in the efficient use of water resources in the agri-food sector of the Region of Murcia and the recovery of residual fractions of water treatment systems with membranes. Among its activity is the investigation of innovative technologies and the demonstration stage due to the pilot plant it has and the proximity to the business sector.
* - The CTC groups agrifood companies in the Region and gives them support to improve their processes and access financing.
* - The agri-food business sector is open to collaborations with the administration and research centers to implement technologies that optimize industrial processes and modernize irrigation systems.
Human Capital:
- The University of Murcia and UCAM have undergraduate, master and doctoral courses aimed at future technicians in the water sector. On the other hand, the Director of the CIFEA training center in Molina de Segura, in charge of training agrifood technicians, stressed the need for water treatment education for agricultural use. Currently there is the Degree in Chemistry and Environmental Health Training that, as official education, puts the focus on water technologies.
Interregional Cooperation:
* - Currently the scientific groups are developing various international cooperation projects on water technologies.
* - The LIFE program is a line of financing for many of the projects due to its demonstrative nature and close to the market that includes participation of partners from several European countries.
* - The Interreg Mediterrenean program is another financing option, which aims to promote sustainable growth in the Mediterranean area by promoting innovative concepts and practices and reasonable use of resources and supporting social integration through a cooperative approach integrated and territorial.
* - The current H2020 program and soon Horizon Europe, are another financing option with widely used Interregional cooperation.
As a more prominent conclusion: "We must collaborate to mark an agricultural policy and sustainable agriculture, and promote the development of new projects that guarantee them in the Region of Murcia". In addition, participants highlighted the advantage of iWATERMAP to exchange experiences between partners and achieve future collaborations.