The lead partner Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes Region welcomed the eight other project partners in Lyon on 25 June 2018.

The partners introduced themselves and their medical technology sectors in a non-formal way and they also discussed with each other what benefits they may expect from the Medtech4 Europe experience exchange. Following these, during the rest of the first day, upcoming project activities of management and communication - dissemination, based on Programme rules and Medtech4 Europe Application Form were discussed in detail.

The second day, 26 June 2018 was dedicated to a methodology workshop focusing on medical technologies, led by advisory partner Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission. Related innovation policies will include the regional innovation ecosystem, the Research, Development and Innovation and the medtech ecosystems, so as to provide for a more focused approach. Business related aspects of medical technologies, also the typical medtech application domains were addressed by the professional debate of the second day. Medtech4 Europe partners will elaborate methodoligcal issues and start working along those in the forthcoming months of 2018.

As a result of the two days spent in Lyon, Medtech4 Europe partnership is ready to start their work on optimizing the impact of public policies in favour of research and innovation facilities in the field of medical technologies.