In view of the current special epidemiological situation, more and more meetings are being held in digital form around the world. One of these was the presentation of the French CEA Tech online showroom on June 24, 2020, in which the South Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency Nonprofit Ltd. also participated, which is well connected to the Medtech4 Europe Interreg Europe project.

CEA Tech is a technology research unit of the CEA (French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energy Commission) that develops in the fields of ICT, energy and healthcare. The Research Unit seeks to bridge the gap between research and the business world by providing an innovative approach and expertise to develop and disseminate technologies.

A number of innovation and technological developments will be presented in the Grenoble showroom. On nearly 400 square meters, those interested can learn about a number of health, mobility and energy developments, as well as how these will become a salable product.During the live broadcast, several products stood out for the health development sector. One was the body temperature camera, which could play an important role in the current epidemiological situation. An armband (APNEAband) to facilitate sleep apnea examination was also presented. Embedded sensors measure heart rate, heart rate variability, oxygen saturation, and body fat content. Another notable development was the device called Avalun LabPad, which can perform a wide range of different diagnostic tests easily with the help of a drop of blood. The tests that can be performed include cell dynamics or colorimetry, but they are also suitable for determining blood sugar levels, cholesterol and triglycerides. It transmits results directly to a smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth, ensuring faster examinations.

In addition to the above, there are many other interesting things to be found, so it is worth visiting in person at the CEA Tech showroom, where some innovations can be tried out in person with the help of professionals.