The PXL workshop on Monitoring for Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3), planned for 23rd October 2018, is part of a new series of workshops built on the peer-review methodology from the Smart Specialisation Platform. It is organised by the Smart Specialisation Platform in co-operation with MOSTA (Research and Higher Education Monitoring and Analysis Centre). It brings together national, regional and sub-regional policy makers from EU countries, representatives from the European Commission and researchers on the field. The aim is to explore the main challenges associated to the setting up of an effective monitoring system and the use of monitoring information to improve strategies' performance and future policy development.

The workshop will be organised back to back to the 'Smart Specialization: Progress and Future Prospects' one day event organised by MOSTA (Research and Higher Education Monitoring and Analysis Centre) on 22nd October. 

This workshop will be based on the PXL methodology developed by the Smart Specialisation Platform. 

Further information on the registration and agenda of the event can be found here.