On 13th of January will be launched in Florence the Regional Technological District for New and Advanced Material.

DT Material is a regional NMP cluster which gathers all regional academies, RTD centers and laboratories operating in different branches of the NMPs (around 35) together with a growing number of enterprises (actually 150) working with OR willing to invest in nanotechnologies for improving own processes/products. 

According with the running Regional Operative Programme (ROP) and the Smart Specialisation Strategy 2014-2020, the DT Material: 

  • is a key leverage to support the NMP innovation delivery processes in Tuscany 
  • represents the factual implementation of the regional policies of which NMP-REG deals with 
  • is participated by all the members of the NMP-REG Tuscany stakeholders group 

During the launching event, NMP-REG project will be also presented to the participants.