Tuscany is having the first concrete results in the implementation process of its Action Plan.

This plan consists of two well-defined actions identified within the project: the first one aims to increase the relevance of NMPs in the investment priorities of regional policies for research and innovation through a relevant contribution in the updating of the Tuscan regional smart specialisation strategy (RIS3) to which is also closely linked the use of ERDF funds that finance research and innovation projects for enterprises. The second action is instead focused on the improvement innovation delivery of NMPs by supporting cross-cluster multidisciplinary initiatives and strengthening cluster policies with which an upgrading of regional policies is to be achieved through a better, effective and smoother coordination of policies related to regional clusters

Specifically, the first action had already achieved the greatest result during March 2019 when the new regional RIS3 was effectively updated through the valuable contribution of the NMP-REG project experience.

Regarding the second type of action, the novelty lies in the fact that a new governance model on regional technology transfer policies is being created. This new form of governance stems from the inspiration offered within the NMP-REG project by the examples provided by the cluster partners in the Wallonia (P2), North Rhine Westphalia (P5) and the Norte region (P3 – P4). Tuscany has developed its action based on these examples and has therefore signed, as a first step, a memorandum of understanding between the Region and six regional clusters including the New Materials Technology District, led by ASEV (P1), aimed at the creation of Interdisciplinary platform for Innovation delivery in Tuscany called C.L.O.C.K. - CLuster Of Clusters for Knowledge.