Region of Thessaly presented the OptiTrans project during SUMPORT “Sustainable Urban Mobility in MED PORT cities” event, which took place in Regional Unit of Thesprotia Conference Hall in the city of Igoumenitsa on 14th of October 2019. The External Expert of Region of Thessaly, presented the OptiTrans project (background, aim, objective, expected results, partnership) and in particular the implementation of the project in the Region of Thessaly (baseline study, peer review experience and Action Plan). The audience included both decision makers and practitioners of the local community, that is Region of Epirus, R.U. of Thesprotia, Chamber of Commerce of Thesprotia, KTEL (public bus operator) of Thesprotia, Municipality of Igoumenitsa, Port Authority of Igoumenitsa and University of Ioannina.