The 3rd OSIRIS partner meeting was organized in Prešov, Slovakia. The event was dedicated to „Mobilization of the creative industry“ in the Prešov region. 

In parallell, the project partners also participated in the event called ENTER SESSION, which was focusing on boosting the creative sector through sharing best practices from OSIRIS partners and also from many local stakeholders. The productive debate, also thanks to the impressive contribution from our partners, has shifted the creation and development of the creative industry in the Prešov region up to the next level.

The participants took part in a co-creative peer review workshop – the theme of the workshop was:

 „ How can the self-governing Presov region in an effective way boost the Creative Industry and make it grow through open social innovation?“

Prešov presentations focused on:

• Prešov region overview

• SWOT analysis of the Regional Innovation Strategy of Prešov region 2014-2020

• Visions and strategic goals

In this context participants had recieved questionnaries, which gave them a better look at the situation in the Prešov region. According to the character of the PI, we have decided to address peer review the main actors responsible for implementation of the PI: Prešov self-governing region, Municipality of Prešov, Innovation Partnership Centre, The University of Prešov in Prešov. From our point of view this workshop was very helpful , as we had the possibility to hear recommendations, suggestions and different examples on how to boost the creative industry from stakeholders and our partners.

During the three-day meeting participants also visited „ Tabačka Kulturfabrik“ in Košice. The Kulturfabrik is a unique cultural center and an open area for art, creativity and cooperation. The only non-state cultural center of its kind operating in Eastern Slovakia focused on all kinds of contemporary art - music, theater, dance, film, visual arts, multimedia, workshops, creative residences, public debates, talks, presentations and more. Through a very energetic lecture, the partners learned about the background of the functioning of the cultural center.

After this very inspirational event, our goal is to through OSI build a new model of cultural center and improve education in this area. The intention is to positively influence the development of the city and the Prešov region.