On Saturday 8th April 2017, CTI Diophantus organized the Stakeholder Group Meeting of project OSIRIS within the frames of the 4th Patras Innovation Quest (IQ) 2017 . In the three day event, a special session was devoted to OSIRIS, when the work team presented the project and partners’ Good Practices to a wide audience. The stakeholders were representatives from the regional decision making organisations, the local chambers of commerce, Patras University, Patras Technological Educational Institute, local Municipalities, Associations and citizens.

Apart from the OSIRIS work team, Mr. Lykourgos Stamatelatos, Head of the General Directorate of Development Planning, Environment and Infrastructure of the Region of Western Greece had a presentation about the “European Entrepreneurial Region 2017” with special focus on the promotion of the entrepreneurial culture, technology transfer and promotion of networking with the wider society, principles also met in OSIRIS project. Moreover, Mr. Giotopoulos from the local Chamber presented good practices of Open Social Innovation promoted by the Chamber and implemented in Patras city. Prof. Spiros Sirmakessis presented the «Initiatives, Policies & Activities fostering Entrepreneurship».

The audience and the local stakeholders expressed high interest in the OSIRIS activities. Indeed, representatives from the Municipality of Western Achaea aim to adopt the good practice from Municipality of Fundao in order to exploit abandoned buildings so as to create fab labs and incubators of innovative enterprises.