On May 3th, the project OUR WAY: Preservation and promotion of natural and natural heritage through GreenWAYs was present in Mazarrón (Spain) at the Conference on 'Tourism and gastronomy in rural areas', financed by the Rural Development Program of the Region of Murcia (PDR), within the framework of the Encuentros por el Desarrollo 'Soy Rural'.

This is one of the projects programmed in the Participatory Local Development Strategy 2014-2020 'Territorio Campoder, growing together'. The objective is to promote networking and the promotion of integral, harmonious, endogenous and sustainable rural development of the territories. 

It also aims to inform and raise awareness of the potential of the rural territory and the opportunities it offers for its own economic, social and cultural development, boost entrepreneurship and job creation, as well as the efficient use and use of natural and heritage resources of our territory, seeking maximum care for the environment and equal opportunities.

Juan Soria, manager of the Greenways of the Region of Murcia participated in these conferences in the round table 'Hiking and boom of cycling routes', in which he had the opportunity to explain what is the project OUR WAY: PreservatiOn and promotion of cUltural and natural heRitage through GreenWAYs. At the same time, the public that attended the conference had the opportunity to learn about the activities of the project in the stand reserved for it, in which brochures were also distributed in both English and Spanish language.