Due to P-IRIS, Sogn og Fjordane County Municipality has had a good dialogue with the Norwegian Cluster program advocating that there are strong rural innovation networks that doesn’t qualify for the prestigious national cluster program and that the consequence is a loss of innovations in Norway.  Our rural innovation networks do not have all the elements of a triple helix and they realise that they need to develop links out of their geographical area to become more complete. The national cluster program is under revision and they have introduced an introduction-module with three steps:

1. To clarify common ambitions (workshop 1)

2. To discuss next steps (workshop 2)

3. Advice on how to proceed

The module was opened to incomplete innovation networks in Sogn og Fjordane in 2019. The outcome is a clearer understanding within the network on problems and possibilities by cooperation in clusters. Module 1 is ended with a meeting where next steps are discussed. Should the ambition be to continue as a network working with concrete market opportunities, should they try to be a node to a mature cluster or should they aim to seek uptake in the national cluster program as independent cluster. The innovation network is also advised on how to prepare for the next steps they agree upon. Two innovation networks has now taken part. One has decided to try to apply for uptake in the Norwegian cluster program. The other are looking for cooperation to be more complete.