PUBLIC PROCUREMENT NOTICE - Pas-de-Calais County Council

Title of the consultation: Carbon emissions study in the European Straits of the PASSAGE project

Type of procedure: Adapted procedure

Limit to receive tenders or requests to participate: 16th December 2016 - 16:00

Description of the services to be provided:
The services are awarded an ordinary contract and are subject to 3 phases defined as follows :

  • Phase no. 1: Functional and geographical definition of strait areas of the partnership
  • Phase no. 2: Measurement of the carbon intensity in each strait territory
  • Phase no. 3:

                - Proposals of paths enabling to reach decarbonisation targets in each strait by 2050

                - Work with the partners of PASSAGE project and their local stakeholders’ networks to ensure they can appropriate the results of this study to define cross-border action plans

The contract documents are available free of charge in full and unrestricted direct access to:

You can download here a tutorial explaining how to download the procurement documents in English. If you need any help to use the dematerialised platform in French, please email [email protected] and [email protected].

Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to the following contacts:
Département du the Pas-de-Calais, Rue de la Paix - Porte 6, 62018, Arras Cedex 9, France

Phone: +33 3 21 21 67 30

Email: [email protected]

Address of buyer profile:

Antoine SURGET : [email protected]

Colette MARIE : [email protected]

Alain CIESLAK : [email protected]

Public procurement department : [email protected]