The City of Genoa participated in the Open Administration Week (SAA2018) organized from 5th to 11th February by the Department of Public Service of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, within the Open Government Partnership, to promote culture and practice of transparency, participation and accountability both in public administrations and in society, through seminars, hackathons, public debates, webinars and much more.
Inside #SAA2018, Metropolitan City of Genoa presented the project Know #GenovaMetropoli, which, far from a bureaucratic and self-referential language, proposes to activate a path of knowledge of the Authority by citizens, businesses and territory, to increase awareness of its institutional aims, providing greater visibility to the results achieved and open projects. The project, which represents a step for increasing the accountability of the institution, provides for the creation of info-graphics that describe interesting topics of the Metropolitan City and its supporting structures. Issues that, published online and on social networks, have the objective of presenting Metropolitan City of Genoa both at an institutional level and at an operational level.
In the week from 5 to 11 February 2018, then, Metropolitan City of Genoa released an info-graphic a day on social media (Twitter in the first place) with the aim of making the institution better known by a wide audience. The project page was also animated with a graphic design, additional information, detailed links and appropriate questionnaires and polls collected during the week and immediately after. The event was also considered as a Transparency Day for the Metropolitan City of Genoa.