The Municipality of Florence, in collaboration with the SAGAS Department of the University of Florence, is pleased to invite you to the conference on "Open data and geomarketing, Innovation and business opportunities" on 26 September at 9 am in Florence, at the Auditorium hall of the Florence Chamber of Commerce, Piazza Mentana, 2.
Duration: 1 day, divided into 4 slots. Each slot will be introduced by a keynote followed by brief interventions aimed at illustrating best practices and experiences.
The growing availability of data produced and shared by public administrations in an open way is one of the main opportunities for innovation that characterizes contemporary society. The open data, reliable, fully interoperable and freely accessible through the network by a large audience of users, refer to a wide range of socio-demographic, economic, environmental, cultural issues. Tuscany and the city of Florence, in particular, have made their data available in an open form through the institutional portals long time ago.
Their full use is one of the prerequisites for good governance, as well as an instrument for citizen participation in public life and a profitable business opportunity for companies. The recent debate focused on the economic value and on the possibility of generating innovation starting from open data (data driven innovation) to meet the needs of society and create new growth opportunities for the territory, through "triple / quadruple / quintuple" models propeller "that create a synergy between the different local actors: not only public institutions, businesses, research, but also civil society and citizens.
In particular, the use of geo-referenced information, that is referred to the territory, through geomarketing algorithms, is aimed at making the market choices of companies (products, catchment areas, location of sales points, etc.) more effective and aware by improving the competitiveness.
With the seminar we intend, in the first part, to discuss the state of the art of open data in Italy and Tuscany and, in the second, to present, even through the exposure of good practices, the potential applications of open data for companies. The aim of the final discussion will be to establish a dialogue between institutions and companies in order to favour the meeting between supply and demand of data and to reflect on the possibilities of generating products and services and to create social and economic value starting from open data.