The 6th Project meeting of Pure Cosmos, organized by ANATOLIKI SA-Greece, took place in Thessaloniki on 29th January 2019, at Aristotle University Research Dissemination Centre.
The partnership discussed on the project activities’ progress along with the financial analysis. The project Secretariat informed the partners on the JTS suggestions on the Regional Action Plans and what is expected to be done during the second phase of the project which has annual reporting. The Communication Manager presented the progress of communication strategy in numbers.
During a mini-workshop session, each partner presented its Regional Action Plan. The partnership agreed on the development of a survey based on indicators that can also count the implementation of RAP.
Partners who expressed interest to learn more on Good Practice 16-“SOcial EntrepreNEurship noW”, enlisted in PURE COSMOS Good Practice Register, visited Ergani Center on 30th January for a study visit. The Director presented all services offered to Social Entrepreneurs or women willing to start a Social Cooperative. A representative of a supported Entrepreneurial team explained the difficulties and the legal gabs that the Social Cooperatives face when starting-up a business.