The Region of Central Macedonia is proceeding in upgrading the information systems and the digital services of the Chambers in four Municipalities of the region. The upgrade concerns the Chambers of Pella, Pieria, Serres and Chalkidiki.
The aim of the action is to help the local business development so that SMEs adopt innovation and get extroverted.
According to Mr. Tzitzikostas, Governor of the Central Macedonia Region, the Region is using European Funds to strengthen and digitally upgrade the Chambers, which are the pillars that stimulate entrepreneurship. Through the interventions planned, the four Chambers will have improved and modern digital services to support businesses, existing and start-ups. The bureaucracy is expected to be drastically reduced. With a series of targeted interventions, the Region is going to strengthen entrepreneurship, create new jobs and generate new income, having as final recipient the people of the business world.
The business registers are also going to be digitized. Their web portals are going to be upgraded. Furthermore, the Region of Central Macedonia is going to develop modern business guides to promote the overall touristic product and develop a search engine of enterprises and their geographical mapping. E-business collaboration will be fostered. Also, n information and communication mechanism for the enterprises of the four Municipalities is expected to be developed.
Last but not least, the four municipalities are going to acquire a one-stop shop for the service of the business requests and the four chambers are going to be able to provide full online service to businesses. Enterprises will be given the possibility of electronic submission and management of their requests, while simultaneously, monitoring the evolution of every request.