-- On Friday the 1st of December the Regional Development Fund organised the 2nd REBORN Stakeholders Group Meeting, that took place in Kozani, at the Technical Chambers’ premises.

- At the meeting were present participants who represented the partner, the Managing Authority of ROP 2014-2020, regional chambers and the Technological Institute of Western Macedonia.

- All representatives were updated about the project progress, it’s focus and main scope especially with the selected good practises that should be more examined in January 2018 programmed study visit, what has happened during the last 2 months from the previous SGM and future steps to follow in 2018.

- The stakeholders were also informed and agreed on the good practises that RDF selected as most possible to work on in relation to the regional action plan, the common project report that combined the partners state of the art analysis, the matching of importing and exporting regions and the cross visits preparation that will be done in January 2018 according (for RDF it will be in Liege, Belgium).

- RDF mentioned, proposed and it was finally approved by the SGM representatives that stakeholders that didn’t respond to / or attended the RDF official invitations for participating in the project meetings, can not participate the cross cut visits in Belgium, but there will be more efforts to take active part to the upcoming SGM in 2018.