As a summary, three topics were discussed in this Stakeholder Group session: 

1. Belgian good practices presented at the Study Visit that took place in Liege last January were explained.

- New Belgian Insolvency Law

- Legal reforms regarding corporate insolvency

- Judicial Reform and Commercial Mediation

- Belgian tools for a Second Chance and / or help for a soft landing 

- Company Recovery Plan.

2. Explanation of the methodology to carried out for the drafting of the REGIONAL ACTION PLAN ON RE-ENTREPRENEURSHIP.

In a succinct way, what was discussed was the best way to write the RAP to fit the actions currently being carried out in the region following the axis, priority and objectives of the Regional Operational Program and thus be able to include certain specific operations in these actions -which are the ones that we will define in the PAR-.

3.To this end, a document summarizing what we have worked within the project is being prepared (Regional Report on Re-entrepreneurship, conclusions of our meetings, conclusions of the Business Breakfast, good practices presented by the partners and by us. ..) as schematic as possible, to begin to define concrete activities.

4. On the other hand, the meeting format of the next Business Breakfast was discussed. It was proposed the possibility of bringing together experienced businessmen, with incipient or young entrepreneurs so that, with the help of a moderator, a session of transfer of preventive experiences to a business failure can take place.