The topic of the meeting related to financial suport for those entrepreneurs who have problem with financial ability – the issue was presented by Henryk Pietraszkiewicz, an expert from Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP). Expert presented also some guidelines for companies.


Second part of the meeting concerned on practical side of running business, which was showed by Piotr Marek. Specialist spoke about examples of three companies that thanks to the restructuring procedure, changed their approach of doing business. According to this stories we can observe that diagnosis of the company's condition caused that those companies change their functiong in some area what influenced for their better financial condition.


At the end of the meeting Andrzej Cieplak, entrepreneur from 1989, a trainer, mentor, lecturer, and accredited ICF ACC Coach, told us about the secrets of leadership and the role of coaching in achieving the success in company.


The meeting was a great opportunity to discuss about specific subject like financial and mentoring support but also to communicate, a wider part of entrepreneurs, information about projects steps, activities and result. 2nd Business Brekfast meeting in the Lubelskie was amazing time for exchange of experiences. Moreover discussion between participants was very important to revisited decision related to selection best practice from the REBORN’s partner which will be implemented in the Lubelskie in the second phase of the project.