On Friday the 30th of March 2018 the Regional Development Fund of Western Macedonia organised along with the Technical Chamber of Greece / Department of Western Macedonia Region, the 3rd REBORN Business Breakfast Meeting, that took place in Kozani, at the Technical Chambers’ premises.

At the meeting participated 21 participants who represented the partner, the Managing Authority of ROP 2014-2020, other public Institutions & chambers, lawyers clubs & freelancers engineers.

The main subject of the meeting among other, was the discussion of the specific focus group of freelancers that are facing tremendous financial problems in Western Macedonia and the way that REBORN could assist them on policy instrument strategy level.

In addition, a big part of the very interesting meeting was the first official presentation of the similar national level project on 2nd chance: Network for Early Warning and for the Support to Enterprises and Second Starters.

Up to 50 freelancers, professionals and SMEs representatives, will be supported as a pilot action part for the program EWE in Western Macedonia the next months.

REBORN project team will monitor and overview this on going good practise for the region and try to connect it’s results with the upcoming action plan for the region.