The first Business Breakfast in the Region of Murcia wanted to host people who have failed in their business and wanted to tell what they experience. 

The session was developed in two phases.

In the first, we divide the assistants into three teams, each working on a different aspect and trying to answer a question: 

• WHAT PRICE I PAID ?. All that they had to renounce, abandon or sacrifice in order to carry out their entrepreneurial project. These losses can be personal or professional and are often unrecoverable.

• WHAT DID I LEAVE IN FAILURE? Everything that, had it been, would have been helpful in the process. We divide this point into 4 large areas: resources, supports, attitudes and others.

• WHAT I LEARNED?. The learning that we can draw from the whole lived experience

Finally, the ideas emerged from the three areas of work.

In the second phase of the session we made a collage in each group in which future proposals were made. 

From the elaborated material we can extract some general conclusions: 

The re-entrepreneurs missed in relation to their unsuccessful business experience aspects such as:

• "Integral" technical advice, not only financial.

• Accompaniment throughout the process, beyond the phase of creation of the company and emotional support, as well as financial and technical

• Specific legislation on re-entrepreneurship

• Medium term vision, which would have allowed them to anticipate certain events (such as the crisis) and improve their response capacity

Regarding his proposals for the future, some common lines of action appeared:

• Campaigns to improve the public image of the re-entrepreneur

• Advice and legal coverage throughout the process of debt settlement and search for new financing

• Speeding up by the administrations responsible for the entire administrative process

• Programs to develop personal skills of entrepreneurs such as emotional management, conflict resolution, self-esteem ...

• Mentoring / coaching services

• Creation of an accompaniment service with specific materials and guides