Second-chance Entrepreneurship Policies applicable for EU Member States

Next 15th september REBORN partnership has organized the High Dissemination Event: A new challenge for restarter entrepreneurs. 

The event will be hold on line on Zoom Platform, and, if it is possible, in the European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA) facilities as well. The objective of this meeting is to show up the results of the implementation of REBORN project in partners regions.

To participate in the event, please register here: https://zoom.us/j/99261519301?pwd=QXZWZmtSQmVvdk9CeW9OV2k2bHhrdz09

The event will be hold on the European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA) facilities. The objective of this meeting is to show up the results of the implementation of REBORN project in partners regions. 

A resume of the Regional Action Plans on re-entrepreneurship will be shown, as well as the goals achieved and incurred difficulties during the execution of actions to support re-entrepreneurship and eliminate the stigmatisation of failure. 

On the second part of the event, the thematic of Exploitation of synergies in European policies on second-chance entrepreneurship support will be tackle with the participation of the stakeholders of each country participating in the project, highlighting the European best practices selected by REBORN project. 

This event will be the finishing touch of 4 years of project offering EU regions the opportunity for policy learning and good practices transfer in second chance entrepreneurship. 

REBORN project, has been the perfect tool to assist the partners regions (Liguria, Murcia, Wallonia, Central Hungary and Lubelskie) to strengthen policies and regional development situations by implementing plans to support "restarters" through a better use of ERDF and other complementary funds aligning efforts with a shared goal. 

Through this project, regions have increased European competitiveness and accelerated regional economic growth through the improvement of policy instruments linked to entrepreneurship and business creation support, helping SMEs in all stages of their life cycle, including measures to avoid the "lost entrepreneurship potential", supporting the capacity of SMEs to engage in growth in regional, national and international markets. 

The economic impact of financial crisis we are all experience at this time and bankruptcy of SMEs due to COVID-19 situation has become an important issue to deal with, as well as fostering an entreprenurial spirit with high tolerance to failure, and REBORN project is the perfect tool for it. 

You can check the agenda of the event below:

09:30 – 10:00 | Registration

10:00 – 10:20 | Welcome speech  

• Esteban Pelayo - Director - EURADA - European Associaton of Development Agencies


SESSION 1:   REBORN PROJECT goals & incurred difficulties 

 Moderator of the workshop: Esteban Pelayo

 10:20 – 10:30 | Project presentation

• FILSE (project leader)

 10:30 – 11:30 | Regional Action Plans implementation in phase 2 period

• FILSE - Liguria (Italy)

• CEEIM - Region of Murcia (Spain)

• IFKA - Budapest (Hungary)

• RDF - Region of Western Macedonia (Greece)

• Lubelskie Voivodeship - Lublin (Poland)

 11:30 – 11:45 | Coffee Break

 SESSION 2: Exploitation of synergies in European policies on second-chance entrepreneurship support

 Moderator of the workshop: Pietro De Martino

 11.45 – 12:30 | European best practices selected by REBORN Project

• Representative TBC - Liguria Region (Italy)

• “Failure Management Course” and launch of the book written on REBORN framework “Failure Management: a practical manual” - Rafael Rabadán and Pedro Juan Martinez (Spain) (on line)

• Representative TBC – Economic Development Ministry (Hungary)

• Representative TBC – Region of Western Macedonia (Greece)

• Representative TBC – Lubelskie Region (Poland)

12:30 – 13:00 | Panel discussion: new possibility of development and implementation and strategic planning and further actions