On January the 30, project managers from Extremadura Energy Agency (AGENEX) participated in the Biomasa Agroindustrial technical day: business opportunity in the energy transition aimed at professionals in the agricultural sector, installers, municipalities and technical staff.
Organized by the ITB-INMECAL Group, AgroRES (Investments in Renewables for Agriculture) and RESINDUSTRY (Policies for Renewable Sources in Industry) projects were present at the AGROEXPO International Exhibition, held annually in Don Benito (Badajoz ). This event is among one of the most important events in the sector at European level, where professionals, technicians, companies and public administrations meet to share experiences, discuss initiatives and projects, learn about the latest developments and technological advances and do business for the future campaigns
On this technical day, the importance of biomass in agribusiness was emphasized, due to the opportunity it presents to advance in the energy transition of all productive sectors. The presentations began with the intervention of the Spanish Biomass Association "AVEBIOM", which presented the objectives of the bioenergy sector in Spain and the introduction of the IBC certificate, which certifies the quality of biomass installation companies.
After this presentation, AgroRES was presented by AGENEX, reviewing the current situation of subsidies and aids for renewable energies in the primary sector and analyzing their evolution. The debate focused on the barriers that beneficiaries find to access available public funding.
RESINDUSTRY was also presented, highlighting the benefits for Extremadura and the possibilities of the biomass sector in the project. After this, the ITB-INMECAL company explained the different good practices at a national level that they had installed, in addition to the results obtained.
Finally, the day was closed with a round table on the heating network with biomass boilers that the City of Monterrubio de la Serena has installed to distribute the heat in the different public buildings. An innovative practice of success that has received the "EnerAgen 2016" award.
The AgroRES and RESINDUSTRY projects are two projects of the 4th call of Interreg Europe Programme, belonging to the line "Low carbon economy".