We are approaching a pivotal moment in the life of the project. More specifically, we are moving from the learning phase tot the planning phase! In the first 18 months project partners have mostly focused on acquiring new knowledge. Firstly, they assembled the Register of Good Practices to get to know which projects and/or policy measures might be interesting for them. Secondly, they hosted the Peer Reviews to assess their strengths and weaknesses of their actual policies. Next, they performed local surveys to set the baseline measurement for the policy measures they are going to implement later on. Finally, they started a series of Study Visits to allow the Local Stakeholders Group to get more familiar with specific measures.

In 2018 the project is moving to the next stage: planning! Besides finishing the remaining Study Visits, project partners will perform two main activities in the next period: organize the Import Workshop and produce the Regional Action Plan (RAP). They will start with reviewing the progress, plans and problems so far to, next, prepare an outline for their RAP. After that, they will hold the Import Workshop, where local stakeholders and relevant experts (some might be the same experts had during the Peer Review) will discuss the draft RAP. The RESOLVE project aims at finalising the RAPs by the end of the year.