Introduction and welcome:
Introduction of partners – partners presented their institutions, main activities, reason of participation and expected results of the project and briefly the policy instrument to be followed.
Project Development, Approval and Comments of the JS – LP informed partners on the main issues to be clarified to the JS during the project completion
Project Overview – LP summarised the project objectives, outputs, results, activities, division of tasks among partnership, policy instruments
Project Operational Issues and Contracting – LP informed partners on the signing of the Subsidy Contract and preparation of the Partnership Agreement, the process of signing has been discussed. Unfortunately there arise the problem with EFFORTS, the Association is not able to arrange the working contracts for staff and offered to change the partner (Municipality Den Bosch is able to replace EFFORTS in project activities), so this situation will have impact on the contracting process. EFFORTS and the LP will contact their national contact points and regarding to the recommendations the LP will communicate the possible solutions with the JS.
LP provided partners with the contact details of the Project Management, (project, finance and communication manager), partners were informed on completion of their regional project teams and setting up of the 3 core management positions.
LP presented partners the basic information on the financial management issued, reporting tracks, timeschedule, and data to be provided by partners for reporting to the LP. All partners approved to send the report to the LP before submitting to their FLController to avoid misunderstandings.
RSG establishment – LP presented the tasks, recommended composition and involvement of RSG in the project. The list of regional stakeholders will be composed by each partner.
Workplan described in the AF for each semester together with outputs and results (page 51-60) has been communicated together with outputs and results expected
RFC timeplan has been already provided to partners
RFC Indicators to be reported were presented and communicated
The LP asked partners for provision of the following information to complete the data in iOLF: Identification of FLC, Location of official project documents at the LP and each PP premises, Assignment of iOLF user-rights of project partners - access to the reporting section in iOLF
Partners assigned the representatives of Steering Committee, the Steering Committee has been established.
Division of Tasks and Responsibilities has been presented to partnership by the LP and the leaders of respective activities and tasks presented the designed ideas of the processes and templates to be discussed, commented and approved by the partnership.
Joint Processes Discussion and Approval
WP Communication activities and tasks has been drafted and presented in detail by P6 Provincial Government of Teruel, SP, P6 also nominated the Communication manager of the project. Partners discussed the basic communicational issues, the division of respective tasks and ways of implementation (development and contents of project leaflets and brochures, organisation of info days, press conferences organisation, and development of graphic design for project websites. P6 will prepare the list of data needed for project websites (i.e. logos, brief description of the partner, photo of the fortress solved in RFC).
Project cloud is already established by P8 EFFORTS, will serve for collection of the project documents to be shared and internal project communication. P8 will provide access to partners. All partners will be allowed to upload the documents. P8 presented the structure of the cloud, this was approved by the partners.
P8 – EFFORTS presented the process of Good practices submission and discussed with partners the template for GP description. Additional information provision of the respective GP was approved by the partnership. EFFORTS will provide partners with the template to prepare the presentation of the 1st GP for Kick off meeting in November. EFFORTS will also support partners in GP identification and presenting if needed.
Action Plans, stakeholders involvement, Policy Improvement Workshop - LP presented to partners the basic information on Action Plans, reasons for Policy Improvement Workshops realisation, expected participants, content, stakeholders role.
Project Timeplan and Workplan for sem1 has been checked and approved by all partners.
Timeplan of the Kick off meeting – Antwerp, BE,
25/11/2019 evening session
26/11/2019 – RFC meeting + SV
27/11/2019 – RFC meeting + SV
28/11/2019 – EFFORTS conference, departures in the afternoon