The Italian union of the Chambers of Commerce has launched, in continuity with the actions carried out in 2020, a programme of activities for environmental sustainability, aimed at promoting new services, addressed to businesses and Public Administration, for the transition towards a green and digital economy. One of the promoters of the initiative is Unioncamere Veneto (the Union of the Chambers of Commerce of the Veneto Region), in partnership with the local Chambers of Commerce. One of the lines of activity of the project at regional level concerns the collection of business cases qualifying as "best practices", according to the methodology and criteria defined at national level by the Italian Platform of actors for the circular economy (coordinated by ENEA).

A webinar was held on 12th of April with the aim, firstly, of outlining in general the fundamental aspects linked to the ability to innovate a process (to reduce the consumption of raw materials, extend the life of products, recover waste, etc.), starting from an analysis of the Italian economic context; secondly, to present the path planned to accompany companies interested in applying for their experience to become part of the national collection of best practices for the circular economy.

In the coming months, the Chambers of Commerce and Unioncamere will assist companies wishing to apply to be part of the national collection.