The last two years have been a defining time for corporate non-financial reporting in Europe. The introduction of the ground-breaking EU Directive on the disclosure of non-financial and diversity information (Directive 2014/95/EU) has set a clear course towards greater business transparency and accountability on social and environmental issues. However, now that the deadline for the 28 EU Member States to transpose the Directive into their own national legislations has passed (6 December 2016), certain important questions loom on the horizon.

What do we know about the process of Member State actions to translate the Directive 2014/95/EU into national-level laws? And how do we see the policy landscape on non-financial disclosures evolving in the future? What does this mean for the companies who will have new reporting obligations in Europe?

Given the EU-level scale of the Directive, companies may require additional support to understand and comply with the implications of this Directive at a national level. Anticipating this need, CSR Europe and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) have teamed up to closely follow the transposition of the Directive into national laws in individual EU Member States. Together, the organizations have provided a platform for companies and local organizations sharing the latest guidance and updates on local laws regarding the implementation of the Directive.

This publication maps the national laws implementing the Directive in all the 28 EU Member States as well as two additional countries from the wider European Economic Area (EEA): Iceland and Norway. The publication is a useful resource for companies as well as policymakers and other stakeholders to gain an overview of the current state of non-financial reporting policies implementing the Directive across Europe. It aims to help with a comparison of the national-level transpositions, and to support companies to prepare for its practical implementation for reporting cycles in 2018.

Through this publication, the main requirements of the transposed national laws concerning the Directive 2014/95/EU in each of the Member States is addressed as well as similarities and differences between the national-level transpositions of the Directive across Member States.

What can you find in the publication?
• Overview requirements of the transposed national laws concerning the Directive 2014/95/EU in each of the Member States. 
• Mapping similarities and differences across transposed laws. 
• Provide an overview of EU policy context related to non-financial reporting 

You can find the publication in the following link: