
The project “Development of entrepreneurship and managerial skills in order to generate an increased number of businesses” was financed within the Sectorial Operational Program Development of Human Resources 2007-2013. The project, with the acronym NewBiz, was implemented by Northwest Regional Pact for Employment and Social Inclusion (PROIS-NV) and The Bucharest University of Economic Studies.

There were selected for financing 43 business plans and there were financed with maximum 25,000 euro (equivalent in RON). Conditions for financing: creation of at least 2 jobs, maintained for at least 6 months after the end of the project.

The beneficiaries of the project were: persons over 18, willing to initiate an independent activity, residing in the counties of the 2 regions of implementation: North-West and West. 

Case study of a young entrepreneur receiving support:

One of the selected business was Atelier Kaya Tech SRL, with its headquarters in Rodna commune, Bistrita-Nasaud County, and it’s workstation in Cluj-Napoca, Cluj County. The business was created by Doris Nerbert, II-nd grade ITC teacher, graduate of the Babeş-Bolyai University, specialization in Information Technology. 

Specific support received

By getting financial support – 25.000 euro, the business was able to develop its activity by organizing courses for children aged 8 – 16 years for developing creativity and abilities to work in teams for following workshops: Robotics Workshop; 3D Design Workshop; Workshop for cartoons and comic strips.

Difference made to the business 

The project helped the company to create the perfect learning environment for its clients, by offering them the opportunity to work with the latest technologies and very well trained teachers. 

Entrepreneurs Quote

”I am a computer science teacher and I am passionate about robots. I am part of the Star Wars generation, and I was able to share this passion with the children easily. So I came with the idea of creating a club which allows children, and why not, adults, to develop their creativity and to make things, from robots to scenarios for cartoons and comic strips”. Doris Nerbert – Atelier Kaya Tech SRL, for the online newspaper

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Video of young entrepreneurs at work