The institute carries out a program of employment and vocational rehabilitation, social inclusion programmes and production activities. Professionals in the field of vocational rehabilitation, employment of disabled persons and the social inclusion of disabled persons are workers with university, higher or higher professional education of relevant social sciences and skills in the field of rehabilitation, employment or disability protection.

Their work is concrete individual work with an individual, adapted to his specific needs and requirements. They place special emphasis on their work in close association with employers and the establishment of an active network that enables not only the acquisition of work experience in various workplaces, but also contributes to the most appropriate career plan of the individual. All activities improve the quality of life and the employment of their people with disabilities, thereby relieving the consumption of social benefits and reducing the unemployment rate. 

Their beneficiaries are the long-term unemployed, persons with disabilities, special needs, persons with health problems and chronical diseases, alcohol and drug addicts, and first time job seekers.